Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ett nytt slut

At first came the idea of mocking the conventions of subcultures. It seemed clever then. But I had to admit, you're not doing anything until you're doing it in writing. And a while passed by. Eventually the sun stopped working. By then the first idea had since long been replace by a second Idea, which as its precursor seemed clever during its reign.

Now that I'm writing, I think i might have chosen a different path. Or rather no path at all, truth be told. My mama must have hit the nail - this that I am, will do no better, than at its peak, host a stunning performance in juvenile delinquency and loathsome sloth.

Or so it shall seem at least.

I will at best, along the way, have found a way to make up for it.

I will on occasions, when I'm set on doing myself favors, try to write like wire's song "pieta" tastes. And on the days I manage to get out of bed I want to be able to read what I've written. I will read it as if it were the sound of my grandma's watercolour painting when it's fighting to grab the attention from a noisy (what manners... hmmpf!) midday radio show streaming nearby.

This has no ambition other than to put words in a not necessarily correct order. By definition, it will definitely be lawbreaking. I just hope I know the law well enough to make breaking it a somewhat glaring end in itself.

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